
Danny Gregory: I help you make art again

Each Friday, I send advice, ideas, stories and tips to 25K creative people like you. Author of 13 best-selling books on creativity. Founder of Sketchbook Skool w 50k+ students

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🖼️ The Art of Life

Life is not an oil painting, sealed behind varnish and clamped in a golden frame, hanging in a white walled gallery in Chelsea, waiting to be bought by a hedge fund manager’s third wife. Life is not an edition of etchings, a long series of identical impressions. Life is not a mural, intended as a public display or the backdrop to an expensively furnished room. Life is not wallpaper. Life is not a bronze sculpture, cold, monumental, an abstracted, idealized image of a hero long forgotten. Life...

Yesterday I sat down in my studio and I thought about doing some drawing. My studio is a haven with climate control and voice-controlled lighting. I have carts full of watercolor sets and trays of colored pencils, a shelf groaning with unopened sketchbooks. It’s the perfect place to draw. And yet, I couldn't. Excuses were legion. I didn't have an inspiring idea for a subject matter. My boxes of markers and tubes of gouache just weren't firing me up. My back was a little stiff. I was...

On the bottom shelf, under a pile of empty shopping bags in my garage, there's a big beaten-up cardboard box. On its side, in faded marker, is scrawled “writing stuff.” I'm working on a video about handwriting, and so I decided to crack open that old box and look inside for some examples of what my handwriting looked like when I was a much younger man. Inside are notebook after notebook full of stories and opening chapters and essays and journals that I wrote in the decade or so after I...

Why do you want to make art? What's in it for you? How will you feel about yourself if you are creatively productive? Do you care more about the product of your creativity or the process? Do you want to have a nice picture to hang on your wall, or do you want to have the feeling that comes from being creative? Write a paragraph or two about this. It will be a helpful reminder next time you're stuck. Here's my paragraph (because I’m me, there are three paragraphs)…¦. My why: I want to see what...

After launching my new course, instead of diving right into my next project, I felt an overwhelming urge to clean. To create order from chaos. To feel safe and comfortable once again. The tidying tornado that started in my art supply cupboard soon took over the whole house. The garage. The HVAC closet. The kitchen. The garden. Even our social calendar got Marie Kondo'd. There's something deeply satisfying about putting everything back where it belongs. About disposing of the broken and...

When I was in high school, I woke up one February morning, staggered into the shower, set the family table for breakfast, groggily downed some toast and tea, then walked through the still-dark streets to my school. The streets were quiet and empty. When I got to school, the doors were locked. On the corner, the Bowery Saving Bank's clock flashed "37 degrees" then, "3:22 am.” Damn it. I turned around, walked home, and fell back in bed, fully clothed. Three hours later, I did the whole thing...

Each Tuesday for the last three years, I have shared Studio Notebook with you. And now, one of my biggest experiments is coming to an end. It’s been a great success — and you are the reason it has. Knowing that you are interested enough in my work, my ideas, and my dad jokes to fork over a few bucks each month has been so encouraging. The Internet has been revolutionary — giving anyone with a computer and an Internet connection the opportunity to reach people all around the world in an...

At the beginning of the year, I vowed to myself that this year I would do less. I would take it easy and only work on things that I truly wanted to do and that seemed extremely important. My resolution didn't last long. We began with a radical restructuring of the way that Sketchbook Skool works. We closed down the Spark Program — our dozen teachers and I had been we’d been teaching 4-5 hours of drawing instruction every day for our hundreds of members. It was sad to say goodbye to this...

The final list of 💖 Stuff I Like Hi Reader: This is the penultimate issue of Studio Notebook — I hope all of these wonderful resources will inspire and delight you! 🧶 Dive into Knitting. Tom Daley is a cute young Olympic diver. You may remember him from last summer in Paris because he was often seen knitting by the pool. He’s crazy about knitting and makes whimsical, amusing objects of all kinds. Link 🖼️ Jon does Stan. Though I was fairly meh about his latest movie, Convocation, I am a big...

When I was at the peak of my advertising career, I was fired. It turned out to be a gift. The job I’d been dismissed from was enormously stressful and involved several dysfunctional and borderline personalities. But I was too bedazzled by my title — Chief Creative Officer — to quit when I should have. I spent the next few months thinking about the lessons I’d learned and what I should do next. I decided to travel around the country to talk to artists and start writing a new book. A book about...